Jul 05, 2009 Eddie Mac (Official Video) Hooters Girl Ice fishing in bikini catches beer. 'Brake for Hotties' douglas griess. Eddie Mac brakes for hotties and hotties break the ice. We Brake for Nobody will be performing this Friday at Uptown at around 9:30pm! Should be worth the price of admission: free. Laugh Lounge! Uptown at Bucknell Lewisburg, PA. 26 people interested. MAC Powder Coating & High Temp Ceramic Coating, Bent Rim Repair. Powder Coating Services in Dutchess County, Lagrange, Poughkeepsie, Pawling, Fishkill as well as the Upper & Lower Region Of The Hudson Valley NY As Well As Westchester & Conn. Enhance Your Rims / Wheels, Brake Calipers, Brake Drums, or Any ATV, Motorcycle Metal Part.
First off, note that the idiom is ' I brake for', not ' I break for'. I imagine it's a reference to cautionary signs placed on the back of certain vehicles. For example, in the US, it's common to see signs like this on school buses or service vehicles: This vehicle stops at all railroad crossings This vehicle stops at all red lights This vehicle makes frequent stops So a cautionary sign like I brake for squirrels Would be superficially similar—warning others that the vehicle may make a sudden stop if a squirrel happens to cross the road—although it's primary goal is to alert others to the driver's special love of squirrels.
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This was later extended to ' I brake for X' where X is anything the driver feels special affection for or attraction to even if there is little or no possibility of encountering it while driving (e.g. ' I brake for smurfs'). The cautionary sense of the idiom may still apply, for example in the bumper sticker ' I brake for ', which clearly does not indicate any kind of affection.